Monday, January 27, 2020

Efficient Streaming Protocol for Transmitting Video Files

Efficient Streaming Protocol for Transmitting Video Files Chapter one Introduction Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Motivation Information in computer science might be represented in multiple forms. In the beginning the first used forms of information were text and images, after the huge increase of using computers and internet another type of information appears, it is the hyper text which is the combination of text and images. Hyper text is text pages that connected by hyper links (hyper link provide non linear access to the text pages no need to view all the pages sequentially to access a specific page) and then new forms are used like Audio and motion pictures or videos, nowadays a combination of these representations as well as the traditional forms (text and images) is called multimedia [LIZ04]. Multimediais a data type may contain multiple types of information like: audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (text, graphics, drawings and images), Digital multimedia is a data type represented by series of bits and manipulated by some multimedia applications and stored on some storage units like on CD or DVD or in multimedia servers. Digital multimedia can be interactive (non linear access) that can be manipulated with computer programs (create, edit, transfer), or non interactive (linear access) where the viewer is unable to control the multimedia like the presentation of movie in the cinema [LIZ04]. Hypermedia is a collection of many types of information like text, images even videos in one website or more that are connected together by some hyper links that provide non linear access to the media like encyclopedia which user can jump from article to the other or jump to the next mark in DVD. The figure 1.1 below shows the structure of Hypermedia. Figure 1.1 Hypermedia Multimedia applications are a computer based programs that are designed to manipulate multimedia data with different sources like text, graphics, audio and video [NIE07]. Multimedia applications can be found in many areas such as: Education, nowadays computer based training applications that designed to simulate the scientific experiments by creating the reactions environment and show the hypothetical results that should be produced from the row materials that will react in the reaction environment, these applications are safer for students from some experiments in real world as well they use some visual effects to explain some phenomenon like physical, chemical and geographic learning applications. Advertising, multimedia applications can be found in advertising and journalism like the advertising of products and places like restaurants and companies, in journalism nowadays electronic copies of magazines and journals. Entertainment, in this field multimedia is used to design video games and visual effects of games and movies, interactive multimedia is used heavily in video games that the user participates alone or with others on the same computer or over the internet not just sit and watch. Industrial sector, multimedia is used as a way to help present information to shareholders, superiors and coworkers. Multimedia is also helpful for providing employee training, advertising and selling products all over the world via virtually unlimited web-based technology. Mathematical  and  scientific research, multimedia is mainly used for modeling and simulation. For example, a  scientist  can look at a  molecular model  of a particular substance and manipulate it to arrive at a new substance. Representative research can be found in journals such as the  Journal of Multimedia, in engineering multimedia applications now used to design buildings and machines before implementing them in real world [LIZ04]. Since multimedia represents some motion captured and stored on some remote place there must be some kind of delivery mechanism to transfer multimedia files from its source (producer) to the destination (consumer) [LIZ04]. Multimedia delivery can be divided into two categories offline and online delivery, offline delivery means transferring multimedia, without using internet, by using removable storage medium like CD-ROM to the hard disk on one station, multimedia was spread widely after the increase using of CD’s DVD’s and now Blue ray which are large storage media can hold the large size of multimedia files, online delivery (also called Streaming) uses the internet for transferring the multimedia from the producer which is usually a server with bulky storage to the consumer which is the client who can be any terminal mobile phone, personal computer or television and takes into consideration the statues of the network the client and server are connected to. Online delivery transmits video files for events happened at the same time like video conferences, football games or video calls; or already processed and stored videos like video clips and movie trailers, online delivery multimedia and websites should be written in an efficient way to transmit or deliver the multimedia files and they are able to be read by the client, also there must be enough resources for the network and the client (which are available bandwidth, network throughput, congestion, and for the client the available buffer and client’s device speed, etc..) in order to transmit the multimedia file efficiently and the client has a successful experience [NIE07][LIZ04]. The adaptive streaming is the process of transmitting videos from the server to the client over internet in an efficient way depending on the network and client’s statues; to deliver videos faster and fewer pauses different qualities are saved to the same video and the server switches between these qualities according to the network and client’s statues. In this thesis, a proposed protocol for streaming videos in adaptive way is introduced; the protocol has two sides the server or the sending parity which is responsible of transmitting the video files to the client in an adaptive way and the receiving party known as the client who receives the videos and displays them on his screen, adaptive means taking into consideration the statues of network like the available bandwidth in order to transmit the video file to the client smoothly, the processing of the video files is done on line, in other words the video frames are processed during the transmission according to the available bandwidth measured at the moment, dislike the used technologies nowadays which they save more than one copy of the video file with different bitrates and transmit the proper bitrate version of the video to the client according to the available bandwidth. Literature Review In this section reviews to some related work for this thesis about the dynamic video streaming over the internet â€Å"A Buffer-Driven Approach to Adaptively Stream Stored Video over Internet†, by Dejian Ye [YED02], In dynamic video streaming technique many parameters can affect the streaming operation of video from a server to client one of these parameters is the buffer size of the sending and receiving parts, authors focused on the server and client buffer size and according to their statues server decide the quality of transmitted video, the buffer size and amount of available buffer size in the sender and receiver sides decide the quality of the transmitted video from the server to the client. â€Å"ENet Dynamic QoS Controller for Video Streaming Application†, by Qingyang Wang [WAN10], the popularity of video on demand and streaming over the internet increased and the limitations between the server and the client that may appear during streaming like supporting data type or bandwidth or computer speed and throughput and how to maintain a good QOS the authors design Enet which is a tool added to the server. Enet is a simple Fuzzy System used to switch between multiple bit rate versions of video, it picks the most appropriate bit rate to the client’s properties, this method takes a large storage space since it stores multiple versions of video with different bit rate for each video copy. â€Å"Adaptation Algorithm for Adaptive Streaming over HTTP†, by Konstantin Miller [MIL12]. Internet videos (live or on demand) take a large amount of internet traffic, in this paper authors build an algorithm for the client side which tries to improve the delivery of video to the client by making client selects the appropriate bit rate depending on the client and network conditions like bandwidth available buffer and network throughput. They integrated the algorithm with a prototype implementation of a streaming client based on the MPEG DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) standard which divide the video file into segments and each segment is saved in a number of different bit rates and client take the responsibility of selecting the most appropriate bit rate depending on the clients and network state. The design of the algorithm download the video file as segments one after the other and it uses one buffer that results client cannot receive the segment N unless it com plete receiving segment N-1. â€Å"Confused, Timid, and Unstable: Picking a Video Streaming Rate is Hard†, by Te-Yuan Huang [HUN12], Hulu, Vudu and Net Flux are three video streaming service providers that provide videos with high quality to the users with some fee. Videos provided by these services are divided to chunks with multiple bit rates for each chunk (when bit rate is slow chunk size is small and high bit rate the chunk size is big) and server switches between these chunks with different bit rates according to the available bandwidth. The problem is when requesting a video and start watching it and after some time another video requested a downward spiral effect appears which is bit rate goes down to the lowest level despite there is enough bandwidth for higher bit rate. â€Å"USING SCALABLE VIDEO CODING FOR DYNAMIC ADAPTIVE TREAMING OVER HTTP IN MOBILE ENVIRONMENTS†, by Christopher Muller [MUL12], DASH is the approach that is used to transfer video over the internet in dynamic way to the user, it’s done by saving multiple copies of the video each copy with different bit rate and the server starts switching between these copies or bitrates according to client’s specifications. In this paper authors uses scalable video coding (SVC) instead of advanced video coding (AVC or H264) which provide more flexibility to the system with the available bandwidth and the buffer size, But if the client switches from one bit rate to the other (higher or lower) and he already requested a chunk before, this chunk will be canceled. The server will save multiple copies of video as a group of chunks. SVC experiment and code depend on windows so it’s not available to other operating systems. â€Å"OPTIMIZING HTTP-BASED ADAPTIVE VIDEO STREAMING FOR WIRELESS ACCESS NETWORKS† by Xiaoling Qiu [Qui 13], Authors in this paper propose new approach for dynamic streaming videos over HTTP; their approach measure the available bandwidth of the network and client’s CPU speed and old measurements into account to select the best video quality using an optimization algorithm. This method contains optimization algorithm to select quality of segments to be sent to the client, but this method suffer from high computation rate. Aim of thesis The aim of this thesis is to build an efficient streaming protocol for transmitting video files from the server to the client with accepted waiting time at the client side. The work in the thesis focuses on video files transmission to provide the accepted delivery time, videos usually are large size files this needs compression method to be used to reduce the video file size when the available bandwidth is below the required level for transmitting videos without compression, also this thesis takes into consideration the quality of the delivered video, the quality of the received video is maintained since the used compression technique in the proposed protocol is lossless technique so there is no loss in the transmitted video file quality at the client side. Another important side in video streaming technique is the buffer management; the proposed streaming protocol uses a variable size for the buffers at the server side and the client side. This approach guarantees the efficient delivery of the required video file without take more than the required memory space. The limitations that affect the proposed protocol execution are: The execution on the internet is hard because it needs to reserve domain in a server over the internet, so the proposed protocol implemented on Local Area Network. The bandwidth values are not real and they were generated randomly to simulate the change on the available bandwidth in real world but the limit of bandwidth was selected depending on used LAN defined bandwidth. Outlines of the thesis This thesis is organized in five chapters as follows: Chapter one: â€Å"Introduction† This chapter begins with explanation of the meaning of multimedia and its applications in real world and also contains a list of reviews works related to this work. Chapter two: â€Å"Theoretical Background† This chapter contains description of the main concepts of video file, video streaming, compression and quality. Chapter Three: â€Å"Video Streaming Protocol† This chapter contains the proposed streaming protocol between the server and the client that satisfy the aim of this thesis of delivering video from the server to the client with little or no pauses and with acceptable quality. Chapter Four: â€Å"Experimental Results† This chapter contains the results of the video streaming protocol introduced in the thesis. Chapter Five â€Å"Conclusion and Future work† This chapter contains the conclusions and the future work for the thesis. 1

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Change management reflective review Essay

The main agenda to write this critique is to give the reflection review of the change management. This report explains the self evaluation of my experience by attending the sessions of change management. I found out that change management is a very important subject that helps us to understand the need of change in an organisation and how it can be successfully achieved. It helps us in getting new experiences of our lives and provides us with the complete knowledge to experience the good or bad changes in our personal lives as well. It also provides the techniques, skills and principal in order to manage the change in a positive way. SELF-EVALUATION: The study of this subject is very helpful for me in every aspect. As it helps me to understand the principles of change, methods to be used while implementing change, challenges faced in order to implement the change and how the main organisational change could be implementing in an organisation effectively and efficiently. Even the study of change management is useful in my personal life as well. The self-awareness and self-management are those tools that help me to adopt any change in my personal life easily. Hence, it helps in developing my self-analysis abilities in order to establish and implement plans in my personal as well as professional life, in the period of change. As I got the chance to work with multicultural members in the group, it helps me in enhancing my abilities and even with the distribution of work among the group members, everyone enjoyed the work and even the workload also get reduced. KEY COMPETENCIES OF THE CHANGE PRACTITIONER/AGENT AND COMPARISON WITH MY COMPETENCIES: A change agent or practitioner is that person who helps the organisation internally as well as externally in order to implement change while focusing on effectiveness, development and improvement of the organisation. The main focus of the change agent is on the change in the technology and organisational structure and in order to implement the change effectively, they focus on the human resource of the organisation and their reactions as well. (Kanter, 1999) A change practitioner needs to have these competencies in order to be the best in his field: Trustworthiness: Being a change agent, the first and foremost thing that is important for an agent is to earn the trust and respect from the organisation’s members. It is a fact that when the agent  will achieve the respect and trust of the members then only they will be seriously looking for his advice and may implement in their decision as well. Advanced communication skills: After the planning of the change, the most important task is to implement the change. For implementing a change, the change and need for the change has to be communicated with the employees. Hence, a change agent has to be a person with good and advanced communication skills, as lack of communication may cause rumour in the company and may lead to the failure of the change process. Emotional Intelligence: A person can only manage others if he is having the ability to manage himself. If a person is self-aware and self-regulated, then only he can be a good change leader. Emotional intelligence is very important while helping others in implementing change. (Goleman, 2011). Knowledge of theories, concepts and methods: In order to be a good change agent, one must have the complete knowledge of the change theories, its concepts and the various methods that could be used in implementing the change in the best possible manner. If a change agent is not well aware with the theories of the change or methods of implementing change, than he is not be able to provide the organisation with the best output and may result in the wastage of time as well as money of the organisation. (Linda Miller, 2011) When I compare all these key competencies of the change agent with my competencies, I found out that I am a person who is trustworthy as my fellow friends and group members trust on me in our all the group tasks and even in personal life as well. I do have good communication skills as well, as I am able to communicate well with others and always ready to hear them also. I am a person who is emotionally balanced and intelligence as well. I never used to mix my emotions while implementing any change in my life. The only area where I lack is the complete knowledge of concepts, theories and methods of change. PERSONAL RESPONSE TO CHANGE: According to my perception I am a person who will accept the change easily and will not resist to it. As we all are aware with the fact that change is always for our good and if I will be getting something good for me and my workplace I will never resist to that change. Even being a management student I like to do something new and innovative to enhance my skills and abilities also. With the continuous change in the technology and working criteria one has to easily adoptable to change also, as it will ease the workload for him and his organisation as well. With this competitive world I think it is best to adapt the change with an ease to remove all the hassles and to work with more effectiveness and efficiency. I love to learn something new and that’s why I welcome the change easily and try to achieve my goals according to that as well. LEADING CHANGE EFFORTS: A person who is leading the change has to be the one who is good at planning, organising and who is having good leadership qualities as well. He has to be a person who is having that much influence on the management that they will easily accept the change. While leading a change effort according to my perception, I would like to choose the pathfinder as a practitioner’s work style. The pathfinder style of practitioner is that one which pursues high degree of employee satisfaction and effectiveness of plan as well. It is believed higher satisfaction can only be achieved when all the members are involved in the process and with the help of teamwork problem solving is being done. The main focus of this style is to maximise the employees’ participation and because of this, this is the ideal style for leading change efforts. (Waddell, 2000). ETHICS AND THE CHANGE PROCESS: Ethical issues in the change is basically related to how the change practitioners are able to perform their best while keeping in mind the value and beliefs of the organisation’s members and work according to that in order to maintain a healthy relationship with them. Being a change agent I will always try to avoid ethical dilemmas, but sometime it occurs. (Rhodeback, 1992). Some of the ethical dilemmas are: Misrepresentation: It only occurs when one or both parties are working under wrong pretence. It only occurs while entering and contracting periods of the change process. To avoid this change agent has to clearly communicate the change process and interventions to the members at the earliest. (Waddell, 2000) Misuse of data: The only reason due to which this ethical dilemma occurs is the punitive use of the collected data. The change agent has to be aware with the amount of data that should be given to the members while working on the change process at the larger scale and need to respect the privacy of others as well. The data should be used in only effective manner for the betterment  of the organisation not for the harm for the organisation or its employees. (Waddell, 2000) CONCLUSION: In a nutshell, I would like to say that change management is that subject which helps us to get to know the various aspects, theories and methods of change and the need of change as well. It helps us to adapt the change easily and to minimise the resistance for the change. We all are living in a world, where thing are used to change on a daily basis and to survive in this type of world one need to be the person who could easily accept the change and could work on that as well. With the self evaluation, I come to know about my inner abilities also, with which I was unaware till now. References Goleman, D. (2011, september 15). Daniel Goleman on leadership and the power of emotional intelligence. Retrieved from www. Kanter, R. M. (1999). The Enduring Skills of Chnage Leaders. Linda Miller, C. c. (2011). Professionalization, Leadership and Management in the Early Years. London: Sage Publications. Rhodeback, W. a. (1992). Ethical dilemmas in organisational development: a cross-cultural analysis. Journal of business ethics,11 , 663-70. Waddell, D. M. (2000). Organisation Development & Change. Melbourne: Thomson Learning Australia.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Explain, giving examples from the articles Essay

Explain, giving examples from the articles, what is meant by oxidation and show how oxidation reactions are used to cause explosions. Outline reasons why some explosive mixtures oxidise faster than others. [4] An element is oxidised if†¦ It gains oxygen. It loses electrons. Its oxidation state increases. Explosives such as gunpowder or black powder contain powdered carbon, sulphur and potassium nitrate. This can be ignited by a fuse where carbon and sulphur will be oxidised. Carbon will form into Carbon Dioxide and Sulphur will form into Sulphur Dioxide. > This reaction shows when a pure sample of carbon burns in air. C(s) + O2(g) i CO2(g) This is an oxidation reaction where carbon has gained oxygen and its oxidation state has increased from 0 to +4 The potassium nitrate in the gunpowder acts as an oxidiser and provides oxygen for the reaction. All the oxygen required is available almost instantly; therefore carbon and sulphur burn in a fraction of a second. > The reactants and products of this reaction are†¦ Reactants: KNO3(s) C(s) S(s) Products: CO2(g) SO2(g) N2(g) + Other solid products The volume of the reactants is very small. The products are mainly hot gases produced suddenly in a confined area. This rapid increase in pressure leads to an explosion. (132 Words) To maximise the force of the reaction, all solids involved are finely divided into powders and the proportions of reactants in the mixture are calculated very accurately. The power of the explosion is made greater by confining the reaction inside a restricted space e. g. Cannon. Fuels used in fireworks; Potassium Chloride (KClO3) and rockets; Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) are mixed with oxidisers to produce explosions. Some explosive mixtures oxidise faster than others if the reacting element(s) gains more oxygen and has a greater oxidation state.   Give an account of the development of chemical compounds for use in explosives. Describe the advantages of each new chemical explosive over its predecessors, and describe how the explosives were adapted to make them safer and more effective. [9] The very first discovery of an explosive chemical compound was unintended. In 1846 Dr Christian Schi nobein accidentally spilled concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids; he quickly cleaned the contaminated area with an apron made of cotton. Knowing that the apron would soon be destroyed by the acids, he rinsed it out with water and hung it up to dry in front of the fire. Moments later the cloth burst into flames. Dr Schi nobein was not aware that he had discovered â€Å"gun cotton† otherwise known as Cellulose Nitrate or Nitrocellulose. From 1860s onwards the military began investigating the possibilities of cellulose nitrate as a smoke-free gunpowder. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, black powder had been replaced as a propellant for military purposes by a smokeless powder based on cellulose nitrate. This substance catches fire very quickly and burns without lighting a fuse; produces very little smoke and creates an impulsive impact. Therefore, explosive shells were replaced by cannon balls and bullets replaced musket balls. This smokeless powder used by the British Army is called cordite and was invented in 1880s. It consists of Cellulose Trinitrate and Glycerol Trinitrate amongst other substances. This substance catches fire very easily and burns quickly. The powder was transformed into a jelly-like substance by adding an organic solvent propanone. This smokeless powder is now used worldwide as a military propellant. (253 Words) In 1847 an Italian scientist, Ascanio Sobrero was experimenting with concentrated acids. He combined together nitric, sulphuric acids with glycerine. The new substance formed was a yellowish oil. He had discovered Nitroglycerine. He experimented with a small sample and realised that was extremely unstable. Its behaviour was unpredictable. It could be detonated by the touch of a feather. Immanuel Nobel and his son Alfred Nobel from Sweden were responsible for controlling Nitroglycerine. Nobel made a deliberate explosion by mixing Nitroglycerine with (kieselguhr) which is a silica based mineral. He made a paste which could be shaped into rods. These would only explode when they are intentionally detonated. These are the very first safe high explosives. Nobel developed even safer ways to detonate these explosives. He found out that the most reliable and effective way to set off nitroglycerine was to use small quantities of gunpowder. He also invented the first percussion cap that gives out a small explosion when it is given a sharp impact. The caps were filled with a compound known as fulminate of mercury Hg(CNO)2. This substance is very sensitive that even a finger tap can cause it to detonate. This ignites the gunpowder or other explosives. In 1867 Nobel patented his dynamite. It was called Dynamite No 1. He soon realised that very effective mixtures could be made by replacing the inert kieselguhr by a substance that would itself burn or explode. He combined nitroglycerine with charcoal, barium nitrate and sulphur which led a new explosive product in 1869. It was called Dynamite No 2. This product was suitable for use in quarries and coal mines. Nobel patented another explosive product in 1875. He added 7 to 8 per cent of collodion (nitrated cellulose) to warm nitroglycerine forming a stiff jelly-like substance known as blasting gelatine. This product proved to be more powerful explosive than dynamite, because both nitroglycerine and collodion were explosive. During the Second World War, Trinitrotoluene (TNT) was developed. TNT contains nitro groups (NO2). It doesn’t react with metals therefore can be used in metal containers to produce bombs. TNT causes headaches, anaemia and skin irritation. Subsequently, workers in factories often suffered health problems. (280 Words)   Discuss, with reference to high and low explosives, the ideal features of an explosive reaction, explaining, with examples, how chemical reactions produce energy and how they cause increase in pressure. [6] Nitroglycerine is acknowledged as a high explosive. It produces a large volume of hot gas. Its decomposition only takes microseconds at a pressure of 275 000 atmospheres. Black Powder and Cellulose Nitrate are considered as low explosives. They produce a large volume of hot gas. The decomposition takes millisecond at a pressure of 6000 atmospheres. An ideal explosive reaction must take place very quickly. It must be an exothermic reaction where heat is given out. The products formed must mainly be hot gases produced in a confined space. This leads to a big rise in pressure which is the main cause of the explosion. > An equation for explosion of nitroglycerine C3H5N3O9 (l) 3CO2 (g) + 21/2H2O (g) +11/2N2 (g) + 1/4O2(g) 1 mol of liquid 7. 25 moles of gas No oxygen supply from air was needed for the reaction. The exact products are based on the actual explosion. In an oxidation reaction oxides of nitrogen such as (NO and NO2) may be produced. The amount of heat energy released from a nitroglycerine explosion is 6275 KJ kgi 1. The increase in pressure will produce greater energy from the explosion. Describe how UK methods of manufacture of propanone have changed since the beginning of the First World War. [3] Before the war propanone was manufactured by dry distillation of wood in a process that excluded air. This method was very inefficient. In 1914 a Russian chemist, Chaim Weizmann, developed a new process that produced propane by bacterial fermentation of starch in maize. This process was capable of producing 30 000 tonne. After the war propanone was manufactured from propan-2-ol by passing the vapour over a copper catalyst at 500i C and 400kPa. Propanone was produced from propene, a product of catalytic cracking of crude oil fractions. (230 Words)   Discuss how attitudes to health and safety in chemical research and industrial chemistry have changed over time. Use examples from the history of development and manufactures of explosives and medicines. [4] The discovery of cellulose nitrate was a hazard of health and safety. The discovery of nitroglycerine was another major hazard as it its behaviour was very unpredictable. Its discoverer Ascanio Sobrero was badly scarred as a result of an unexpected explosion that spattered glass fragments into his hands and face. He said â€Å"victims killed during nitroglycerine explosions† He was ashamed to be the inventor of such a deadly explosive. In Nobel’s nitroglycerine factory, there was an explosion that killed his young brother Emil and another chemist. However test on animals showed that nitroglycerine causes blood vessels of the brain and heart to flow with blood. Nitroglycerine was considered a possible treatment. Nitroglycerine is effective for treating angina pectoris; intense pain in heart. A medicine known as amyl nitrate similar to nitroglycerine are used as treatments to this day. (110 Words) OCR-AS Chemistry (Salters) Open-Book Paper (2005) 2852/01 – 1 – Name: Mohammad Ahmed Candidate No. 9023 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Of Mice And Men A Futile Vision Of Society - 704 Words

‘Of Mice and Men offers a futile vision of society.’ Do you agree? In the novel, Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck conveys the futile society that these men live in. The actions and responsibilities lead to the events of these men. The vision that upholds in the text, proves of that portrays the effects that dreams, or lack of them have on the lives of the characters and the outcome of the novel. The vision and the dream are two different meaning and are often used to show both in the text. It allows to illustrate the dreams of each man, the determination for a better future and the happiness and survival of George and Lennie. Steinbeck expresses the vision of futile right after the great depression as one of the saddest events†¦show more content†¦They need each other’s companionship to lighten up their isolation and loneliness, and to make their dream seem more realistic. Lennie describes their relationship as such ‘We got each other, that’s what gives a hoot in hell about us’. They need each other and their dreams to survive, therefore in this instance Steinbeck does not portray dreams as futile. As long as their companionship stays together then their dream will stay the same and try and achieve their dream. The two differences between the American Dream and the vision are that both are essential to the men but the vision is the most important achievement in order to portray the happiness and survival. The American Dream is to have a farm or house and be living freely without orders or restricting to anything. Steinbeck portrays that dreams cause happiness, companionship and determination to demonstrate the fragility of dreams and visions in the society. Though many people during the time always though that anyone who dreamed of something believes that there is no possibility of achieving this dream, the ‘American dream’ being realised because everyone wants to achieve that dream and break that barrier between the past. When Lennie tells Crooks about the farm, he responds back ‘You’re nuts†¦ nobody ever gets no land’. Which wasn’t true due to many people dreaming and having a vision of their own. In ‘Of Mice and Men’, Steinbeck doesn’t portray the society as being completelyShow MoreRelatedEssay The Futility of Dreams in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men1915 Words   |  8 PagesDreams in Of Mice and Men    Everyone has a dream they hope to achieve, but dreams are not always possible to attain. In John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, two ranch hands, George and Lennie, find work in Salinas Valley. Lennie, constantly getting into trouble, inadvertently causes the two of them to be run out of town and thus have to find new work regularly. 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